Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Time and Space

Me : It is very boring today.

Time :  .....

Me : How to pass the time ?

Time : You can't pass me. you are going through me.  Every second,  every nano second.

Me :  I have not asked for a philosophical response.

Time :  I am everywhere,  you can't escape.

Me :  I have not asked for an escape. I am asking how to kill this boredom.

Time : You can't kill,  you can only go through it.

Me :  will you please ...

Time : Go out, roam around the city and create a day.

Me : With whom should I go ?

Time : With me !!! I am always with you.  I am around you.  I am everywhere.  

Me :  Oh please, not again . So boring it is. 

Time :  .........................................................


varsha said...


Bhavana Lalwani said...

Thank you Varsha and I am sorry as due to some problem in the setting section of my blog, many of the comments went to the spam folder and I didn't get any notification and thus the publishing of the comment took that much time.