Friday, 29 August 2014

समय के संसार में

नरम हरी घास पर रखा हुआ हर कदम, एक ठंडी लहर उसके शरीर के अंदर भेज रहा था.  ऐसा लगता था कि  ओस  की नमी उसके पैरों से होते हुए थके हुए शरीर के हर हिस्से तक पहुँच रही थी, तेज़ धूप से जले हुए मन प्राण  को फिर से ऊर्जा मिल रही थी.

"ये सुबह को हरी घास पर घूमने वाला आईडिया शायद सही है." उसने सोचा और फिर उसकी नज़र  सामने लटकी घडी पर गई, सुबह के नौ बज कर पांच मिनट हुए थे. उसे फिर से नींद आने लगी और तभी उसे महसूस हुआ कि  वो चल नहीं रही, घास पर लेटी  हुई है.  उसने वापिस आँखें बंद कर ली. आँखों  पर नींद का बोझ अभी बाकी था और सुबह की ताज़ी हवा इस बोझ को नशे में बदल रही थी. अगले कितने मिनट नींद रही या नींद का नशा, इसका पता नहीं चल पाया।

आखिर आँखें खुलीं, और फिर से सीधे नज़र सामने घड़ी की तरफ गई, वहाँ अभी भी सुबह के नौ बज कर पांच मिनट हुए थे. उसने करवट बदली और देखा … एक आदमी जिसके लम्बे बाल उसके कन्धों तक बिखरे थे, वही पास में लेटा उसकी तरफ देख कर मुस्कुरा रहा है. वो उठी; असहजता, अचरज, असुरक्षा, बहुत सारे ख्याल  एकसाथ आये  और लौट गए. 

"कौन हो तुम ?" 

"मैं तो हमेशा  तुम्हारे साथ, अंग संग चलता हूँ. तुम्हारी कलाई पर बंधा, दीवार पर लटका हुआ … मैं वही वक़्त हूँ जिसे देख कर, जिसका हिसाब लगा कर तुम रोज़ का शेड्यूल तय करती हो. भागती हो घड़ी  के कांटो के हिसाब से और रूकती हो मिनटों के हिसाब से." 

"ये मेरी जगह है. मैं यहां रहता हूँ. इसे मेरा घर समझ लो." वो बोलता गया. 

विश्वास कर सकने जैसी बात ये थी नहीं और विरोध करने के लिए तर्क उसे  सूझ नहीं पाया और इसलिए उसने तेज़ कदमो से चलना शुरू कर दिया। जहां तक नज़र जाती थी बस हरी घास का मैदान दिखाई देता था. एक ख्याल और मन में आया,  अगर ये एक मैदान है तो घडी किस दीवार पर लटकी है ?? उसने दुबारा मुड़  कर घड़ी को देखा और  इस बार गौर से देखा, नौ बज कर पांच मिनट। घड़ी की सुइयां थमी हुई थी.

" क्या मैं सपना देख रही हूँ ?? शायद हाँ …" 

घास के उस अनंत तक फैले मैदान पर चलते चलते उसने एक मेज़ के चारो ओर कुछ  लोगों को बैठे देखा। पास गई, और मुंह से चीख निकलते रह गई, वहाँ ऐलिस चाय की टेबल पर हैटर के साथ  बैठी थी और उनका साथ देने लिए cheshire  cat भी थी.  उसने विस्फारित आँखों से वक़्त नाम के  उस आदमी  को देखा, वक़्त ने उसे चुप रहने का इशारा किया और आगे चलता गया. 

फिर कहीं नज़र पड़ी ; वहाँ असलान और लूसी, प्रिंस कास्पियन के साथ घूम रहे थे. उनको ये चीखना पसंद आया या नहीं ये मालूम नहीं चल सका क्योंकि उन्होंने पलट कर उसकी तरफ देखा नहीं।     

" ये सब यहां कैसे आये, कौनसी जगह है ये ?? और मैं यहां कैसे आई ??" 

" इन सबको तुम अपने साथ ही लाइ हो,  ये सब, एलिस और उसका वंडरलैंड, नार्निया के राजा और रानी, तुम्हारी फंतासी का, तुम्हारे कल्पनालोक का  हिस्सा हैं, तुम्हारी पसंद हैं और शायद किसी दिन तुम नार्निया जाना भी चाहती हो. तुम यहां इसलिए हो क्योंकि  तुम आना चाहती थी यहां। देखना चाहती थी वो जगह जहां वक़्त रुक जाता है." वक़्त ने एक सांस में जवाब दिया। 

" ये सपना नहीं है गुड़िया, उस नीली डायरी में तुम्ही ने लिखा था ना कि भगवान  की बनाई हुई इतनी बड़ी दुनिया में वक़्त को ठहरने, रुकने और सुस्ताने को कोई जगह नहीं है क्या ??  तो लो, तुम आ गई यहां, जहां वक़्त भी ठहर जाता है, दो घड़ी आराम करने के लिए." 

"तुम नीली डायरी के बारे में क्या जानते हो ?" 

" तुम भूल रही हो, कि  मैं इस ब्रह्माण्ड के हर कोने में, हर पल मौजूद हूँ तो फिर तुम्हारी डायरी क्या मेरी नज़रों से छुपी रह सकती है? चलो आओ, तुम्हे कुछ दिखाऊं … "  

वो उसके पीछे चलने लगी,  हरी घास के अंतहीन  कालीन के एक हिस्से में कागज़ बिछे हुए  नज़र आये, पास गए तो समझ आया कि  असल में ये किताबें है जिनके पन्ने हवा में फड़फड़ा रहे हैं.  थोड़ा और गौर से देखा, किताबें हर कहीं, ज़मीन पर हवा में तैरती हुई, पन्ने  बोलते हुए, अपनी कहानी सुनाते ....किताबों के अंदर की तसवीरें पन्नों से बाहर झांकती हुई  ....  कहीं एक पर्दा सा या दीवार सी खड़ी नज़र आई जिस पर तसवीरें और दृश्य चलते दिखे … 

"Ink-heart, Silver-tongue  " लड़की बुदबुदाई।

"एक और फैंटेसी, तुम फिल्में बहुत देखती हो ?" … वक़्त हंसा। एक नीली किताब हवा में तैरती हुई उन दोनों की तरफ आई.  ये किताब वही नीली डायरी है.

"ये सब किताबें और उनके पन्ने  ऐसे बिखरे हुए क्यों है ?" 

"ये  सब किताबें  दुनिया के हर कोने से यहां आई है, मेरा मतलब ब्रह्माण्ड के हर कोने से.  सभ्यताओं और बियाबानो का इतिहास बताती हैं,  मेरे  आज की तस्वीर  और मेरे आने वाले कदमों के संकेत मुझे बताती रहती हैं. इन्ही के ज़रिये मैं हर जगह हूँ  और सब कुछ देखता सुनता हूँ. " 

" तो फिर तुम आराम  कब करते हो ? मैंने तो डायरी  में ऐसी जगह के बारे में लिखा था जहां वक़्त भी आराम करता है, तुम तो लगता है कि  कभी सोते ही नहीं। यहां बैठे किताबें देखते या सुनते रहते हो …" 

" लगता है तुम्हारी मोटी  बुद्धि  है. क्या इतना भी नहीं जानती कि  फैंटेसी  की दुनिया में तुम्हारे संसार की घड़ियों के नियम नहीं चलते। इसलिए तो इतनी देर से वो घड़ी एक ही वक़्त दिखा रही है … नौ बज कर पांच मिनट।"

" दिन और रात, शाम और दोपहर वाले  हिसाब यहां नहीं है."

" अगर दिन रात का हिसाब  नहीं है तो फिर वो घड़ी ये नौ बज कर  …" बात अधूरी ही रह गई. 

"ये वक़्त, ये exact  वक़्त तुमने उस नीली डायरी में लिखा था, ठीक इसी वक़्त पर तुमने सोचा था कि  घड़ी  के कांटे थम क्यों नहीं जाते।" वक़्त ने एक रहस्य्मयी मुस्कान के साथ जवाब दिया। 

"अगर ये वक़्त, ये ऐलिस और असलान और ये जगह … सिर्फ मेरी ही कल्पना होने के कारण यहां  हैं तो फिर मेरी जगह अगर कोई और होता तो उसकी कल्पनायें ...." अबकी बार जान बूझ कर बात अधूरी छोड़ दी. 

वक़्त ने आगे कोई जवाब नहीं दिया लेकिन उसकी वही मुस्कराहट बनी  रही.

हरी घास के मैदान का ओर  छोर नहीं था  और चलने से वे दोनों थकते नहीं थे.  वक़्त की इस दुनिया के चमत्कार अभी बाकी थे.

"ये लोग कौन हैं और इस तरह क्यों यहां लेटे हैं?" 

"श्ह्ह, धीरे बोलो,  ये सब सो रहे हैं,  चलो यहां से,  इन्हे डिस्टर्ब मत करो अपने सवालों से." 

हवा में  स्थिर कुछ  मानव  शरीर, जैसे चैन से कोई अपने नरम गुदगुदे बिस्तर पर सो रहा हो वैसे हवा में ज़मीन से कुछ ऊपर वे सब सोये थे.   वक़्त उसे, उन लोगों से कुछ दूर ले गया.

" ये सब लोग अभी सो रहे हैं अपने घरों में. दुनिया के जिस भी हिस्से  में जब लोग सो जाते हैं तब मैं उन्हें यहां ले आता हूँ. ताकि उनकी नींदों में से कुछ हिस्सा चुरा सकूँ और  उस  कुछ देर के लिए मैं भी आराम कर लेता हूँ । तुम्हारे शब्दों में दो घड़ी सुस्ता  लेता हूँ. " 

"उनकी नींदों में वक़्त की सुइयां रुक जाती हैं और जितनी देर तक वे सोते हैं उतनी देर तक उनका वक़्त ठहर जाता है."

" क्या तुम उनकी परछाइयाँ यहां ले आते हो ?" उसने थोड़ा डर  कर पूछा।

" कुछ ऐसा ही समझ लो …" वक़्त ने हँसते हुए जवाब दिया लेकिन फिर थोड़ा संभल कर कहा, " ये परछाइयाँ नहीं है असल में ये उनका अवचेतन मन है जो सोये हुए शरीर में जाग उठा है." 

" वो इन्सेप्शन  फिल्म के जैसा ?" उसने थोड़ा दबी हुई आवाज़ में पूछा।

" इन्सेप्शन या मैट्रिक्स कहीं बाहर नहीं होता, वो हमारे ही अंदर, हमारे आस पास होता है. फर्क सिर्फ इतना है कि  तुम सारा दिन   कम्प्यूटर, मोबाइल और पता नहीं कौन कौन सी मशीनों से और उनकी नित नई  तकनीक से इतना ज्यादा घिरे हो कि   जीवन के सीधे सरल रूप देख नहीं पाते। हर वो चीज़ जो आश्चर्यों से भरी है और तुम्हारी कल्पना से आगे की है  उसकी व्याख्या या तो इंटरनेट पर ढूंढते हो या  किसी फिल्म की कहानी से जोड़ देते हो."  वक़्त ने एक लम्बा और उबा देने वाला प्रवचन दिया। 
"लेकिन फिल्में भी तो आम ज़िन्दगी से ही निकलती हैं." उसने जवाब देने की सोची पर फिर चुप रह गई. 
"वैसे तुम्हारी ये जगह ब्रह्माण्ड के किस कोने में है, किस ग्रह  या गैलेक्सी में है ?" उसने तीखा सवाल किया। 

" हर कहीं, हमेशा तुम्हारी नज़रों के सामने, बस उसे देखने भर की देर है." वक़्त ने जवाब दिया।

"तो फिर मुझे या किसी और को आज तक कभी दिखी क्यों नहीं?" 

"क्योंकि इस से पहले कभी तुमने इसे देखने की कोशिश भी नहीं की." 

"तुम बात बदल रहे हो और मुझे अपनी इन रहस्य भरी बातों से बहलाने की कोशिश कर रहे हो." 

" ये ठहरी हुई वक़्त की  दुनिया हमेशा तुम्हारे आँखों के सामने होती है पर तुमको ठहरने की फुर्सत आमतौर होती नहीं।"  धीमी आवाज़ में जवाब आया.
" वो रंगीन रौशनी कैसी है और ये आवाज़ें कहाँ से आ रही हैं." अब उसने खुद ही  बात को  बदलते हुए सवाल किया और रौशनी की दिशा में इशारा भी किया।

" ये रौशनी तुम्हारी दुनिया से आ रही है, वो आवाज़ें घरों और सडकों पर पसरा शोर है जो अब तुम्हे वापिस बुला रहा है.  लौटने का समय हो गया है."  इतना कह कर वक़्त ने  हवा में लटकी घडी को देखा जो उनके साथ साथ चल रही थी. 

उस घडी में अब नौ बज कर दस मिनट हो रहे थे. 

घास का मैदान अब दीवारों और छत में तब्दील होने लगा.  

Image Courtesy : Google


Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Alternate The End of : The Saree Saga .. An old memoir

“Can we go home now?” Veeren bhaiya asked us.
“Oh yes, we are very much tired and feeling sleepy”, both of us replied together.
“Thank god you people are tired”, and with this comment he moved towards parking lot and we also followed him. I was thinking about wedding function, Divya and of-course saree, once again my eyes blinked and a smile ran on my face.

We were walking across the pathway from the entrance gate of marriage hall to parking lot when I saw a patch of mud and water in the middle of path. I tried to cross that patch with a small jump and in that try, my feet, first tangled and then shuffled with saree-fall and before I could understand anything, the next moment….oooo..auuu..ew… I was on the ground. Both of my legs got twisted and saree was spoiled with mud. All this happened within the fractions of minutes, I cried with pain but Yamini and Veeren both broke off in a laughter that made me angry and I felt embarrassed too. 

“I knew it, I knew it will happen…I told you this saree is a total flip-flop idea but you did not listen to me, in fact who listens to me, awww….why me always?” I shouted on mini. She somehow controlled her laughter and helped me to get up; Veeren bhaiya also gave me a hand. My shouting and din was continued, “how many times I told you and divi, I can’t carry a saree, but you guys did not listen a single word of mine and now see this..”. I was almost about to cry.

“Calm down, you will be fine, no one saw you falling in mud”, mini sympathize with me, but I was not in a mood to listen her.
“My both ankles are twisted and you are laughing,”

Yamini scolded me in a bit harsh tone, “shut up sonu, don’t cry like a little baby, it’s a small injury and you will be fine.”
I growled and again started accusing divya’s saree idea, my voice was enough loud to disturb the silence of night.  We were going towards car while quarreling like idiots. Due to pain in my legs I wasn’t able to walk properly, so I was walking slowly and that too with mini’s support and our collective noise of shouting was reverberating in the air. Suddenly, we heard a voice…. A sharp, harsh and loud one...

“What’s going on here, what kind of noise is this, what you girls are doing here at this time?”  Our necks with all our senses and brains turned into the direction of the sudden bombardment of questions… those were two police constables!!!. For a second none of us spoke anything, but then Yamini took a lead, “ sir, my name is Yamini and I am a law student, we came here to attend our friends wedding,” with last words she pointed her finger towards marriage hall, which was now seeming a bit far from us. they did not pay attention to mini’s words and looked towards me with an investigative sight (god only knows what was going on in their minds) one of them asked,” What happened to you, why are you shouting and where do you live?”while the other one was keep staring me. I was speechless and numb, Yamini quickly answered, “she slipped on mud, over there” she pointed again. But his eyes stuck on me; finally I opened my mouth and said, “Yes I fell down”.

Before this interrogation would have extended long, Veeren bhaiya came toward us with fast steps, “what happened? Any problem?” he looked at us but asked the constables. “Who are you?” the questioner constable asked bhaiya. Bhaiya replied with a soft tone, “sir I am Veeren Bhaargav and these are my sisters, we came here to attend the wedding function..” but the other constable asked. “Show me your license “.
When all this interrogation was going on, yaamini saw divya’s maternal uncle at the entrance gate of marriage hall and she shouted from her place..”uncleeeeee,” thank god he was not alone, two more gentlemen were with him. Rest of the story was quite simple and predictable, divya’s uncles and Veeren bhaiya had a word with the constables and within a few minutes they once again disappear in darkness from where they came.

We too felt relaxed and moved quickly towards car and get into it.  I, who was totally quiet and dumb during this entire episode, finally opened my mouth and said..”I will never forget this wedding…gosh..this is really too much”. I pretend as if I am a poor girl who is trapped in such an awkward situation. Now it was Yamini’s turn, she looked at me with anger, “it is all your fault you idiot ..if you would have controlled yourself than this could not have been happened, but no, you are a master in inviting troubles, god only knows what the hell those constables were thinking about us when they hear your screams and yells. You are such a fool”.

“what!!! Was that me?...Excuse me, my leg..” but before I finish my sentence, Yamini shouted, “oh yes your leg, as if it is such an important news that you have to tell each and everyone in this world”. I did not said anything after fact, we both remained quite after that and meanwhile Veeren bhaiya came and started driving car. As the car started running, the cool and refreshing breeze started flowing our anger and stretched nerves also started to calm down. Yamini and I look to each other, smiled and than broke in to a laughter….

Image Courtesy : Google

the original story is Here

Friday, 22 August 2014

The Saree Saga .. An old memoir

“What!!! Have you gone nuts?” I asked divi and looked towards mini with confusion. But she was looking in some other direction.
“Miniiiiiiii” I called her loudly, “aumm, what, what  ...She answered as someone has suddenly disturbed her and broke the flow of her “creative thinking”.  I looked her in an irritating mode, “are you listening to what am I saying”?
“Yes, I listened sound and clear,” she replied in a calm manner. I turned back to divi, “do you understand what are you saying you know us very well and still asking this? Mini say something, what are you thinking?”

 Now before you people get more confused, let me introduce you with us, Mini, that is Yamini my best friend and my childhood buddy. I am Sunayana and we were at Divya’s place, divya is our close friend and we were talking about her marriage functions.

Divya’s marriage used to remind me a lot of things which I experienced for the first time in my life. Here I am going to tell you a little bit of those experiences.

 Like all other girls divya was very much excited about her marriage and in that flow of excitement she asked something. Let’s get back to our conversation to know the whole story.

 First she smiled and then started speaking with a very sweet and soft voice, “listen yaar, I want you girls to wear saree on my wedding”. Now that was the moment when I almost jumped from my seat, and expressed in above manner.   While divya continued with her sweet tone, “Oh come on’, its my wedding, and once I will go to my in-law’s house then when I will get a chance to see you people in such a traditional dress-up. There is Mini, who always wear western outfits and you…who always follows her own style”.  With these words of hers’ my eyes and mouth both fall wide open and my eyes filled with so many emotions at a time such as anger, surprise and awfulness.

“.. ..  both of you are my close friends and you have to be with me all the time during the ceremony, so you should look like the maids of honour not just casual friends. Am I expecting too much from you?”  (Now what is this, once again I tried to understand what exactly she was trying to say)

 She made such a cute and innocent face that made it tough to express my confusion and irritation for a few moments. When all this drama was going on Mini was quiet reluctant towards our conversation, as if she has nothing to do with all this. Therefore, I tried to pull her into this matter.

“But divi you know us, we never wore saree and such things, don’t you know that”? How will I manage and how  will I walk?” (If she can do emotional blackmailing, then why can’t I)
 I asked her in a soft and sympathetic voice and looked towards Mini for some kind of support.

Finally, Mini joined the conversation, “look divi, we will not be comfortable in saree and a shalwar suit also gives a traditional look, so do not worry about this casual formal issue.”
However, she did not seem impressed with our weak argument, but she did not make any further conversation on this topic. However, she made such face as if we are disappointing her a lot and making her sad on such an important occasion. Hence, Yamini and I came back to my house.

“Ok, so now what to do?” I asked Yamini.

“I think we should respect her wish, she is right, it’s her wedding and being a good friend we can do this for her”.
“Mini, you too!!!?” I almost screamed with irritation.

 That raised Yamini’s anger, “do not act like as if only you are concerned about it. What do you think I am really happy with this saree drama, you know very well that I don’t like to wear such costumes and all  but we will still do it.”

“I am not going to wear any saree, if you want to do this, go ahead, but do not drag me into this,” I spoke in a cold manner and moved towards kitchen.  She shouted behind me, “come back here and stop eating…”
“I am not eating anything,” I replied in same manner.
“Then what are you doing in the kitchen?” she shouted back on me.
“I want to drink water”, I answered as I opened the door of refrigerator.

“Every time when we are discussing something important, either you want to eat or drink something.”

“Awwwww…” I came back, sat in front of her, and looked into her face. She started speaking in a soft manner, “look, I know you don’t want to do this, even I too do not like to dress up in saree. But every time we cannot think about ourselves only, sometimes we need to think about others too.”
“But I can not carry the saree I will sure fell down. Do you want me to face such embarrassment in front of so many people?”

“Nothing as such will happen, trust me, we have ten days to go for her wedding. All we need to do some preparations.. We will do this all together”
“How much you know about sarees?” I asked her in a teasing manner.
“Well, I have worn saree on a couple of occasions”, she replied with a speedy manner.
“What? When? You never told me.” I was highly surprised on this new information.
“Nothing important as such, at some family function I had to wear.” She tried to cut the conversation, “I am telling you it’s not that much important”. However, her answer did not satisfy me, but I was in no mood to extend this saree conversation so I remain silent. I was not ready to believe that we are actually going to do this. That day we could not reach to any conclusion or decision, but after that conversation I understood whether I like or not, but I have to be a part of all this.

 Mini make me ready to wear saree with a promise that she will help me to do this and of course with abundant number of arguments in favor of saree.

First, we had to choose a saree. I rejected many sarees with dark shades and heavy work.  But Mini found a purple banarsi saree in my mom’s wardrobe. It was looking quite simple yet elegant. After the saree, now it was the time for some other surprises for me. Mini asked me to come with her for some shopping, she told me that her sister in-law kanchan will also accompany us. She did not tell me what exactly we are going to purchase, but soon the curtain rose up, and I found myself selecting choories, bangles, choosing sari broaches and bindees etc.  Though I tried to create a lot of hue and cry like, how can I wear such fancy items, I don’t like this, I am not going to wear them at all and most of all, are you crazy, what do you think of me?…and such things. But nothing affects Mini and kanchan bhabhi as she said, “relax, sonu there is always a first time”. Finally we chose a set of matching purple choories, a purple colored diamond brooch and stone bindies.

After reaching home I thought..Ok its all over now, but no I was wrong, the dress rehearsals were still waiting for me. Mini was really concerned about how I am going to wear the saree and how I will manage my walk with that. Therefore, she asked me to take some trials at home so I would be comfortable on the reception. Obviously all these preparations were not pleasing for me, but there was no escape, after all it was our friend’s wedding, people don’t get marry again and again in their life.

When all these things were going on, my mother who was just calmly watching all these activities of mine, entered in the scene when Mini and I were trying to wrap the saree on me or better I would say I was fighting with that poor clothe. She smiled at me and without saying anything she started tiding saree around me. After wearing it, I stood straight with my hands on my waist and looked at both of them.

“How is it?”
“Pathetic, leave your hands free and let them hang downwards, otherwise in this position you are looking like a house maid,” Mini answered.
Well after that day I wore the saree a couple of times at home and took a walk, everything seemed fine. Finally, the day has come, but before that there was a sangeet night.  Mom gave me a new dress when I was digging my wardrobe for a dress “suitable for the evening”. For a moment I was surprised, when she purchased this!!! It was a royal blue color satin dress with an upper lining of mat cream and grey tissue fabric, an elegant cream colored net dupatta was enhancing its grace.  She asked me, “how is it…pretty isn’t it ?”
“Heavy. Too much glittery”
Obviously mom did not like this response, but she did not express it. Anyway I wore the dress in a hurry and left for Divya’s house. Yamini and I both reached together at her home.
“Hey Sonu your dress is awesome.” Mini liked my dress.

When we entered into the hall, dance and music were on full swing. Divya was sitting at the one side of hall surrounded by her cousins and aunts. Two girls were making mehandi designs on her hand. She saw us and shouted, “hey come, sit here.”
Next moment she noticed my dress and with huge expression of surprise on her face, she said,” Sonu your dress is extremely pretty”. Her cousin sister Susheela also gave me the same remark. Now it was my time to feel a bit shy. Mini and I sat near divya, I was carefully looking at those mehandi girls, and actually they were divi’s cousins.  When diva noticed me watching them, she asked me whether I would like to have mehandi on my palms, but I refused immediately. She did not force me more. Soon they finished their work and Divya stood up and went to greet some of her relatives.

Mini and I were left alone in that corner; I found there some cones of mehandi. I took them, Mini also took one and started making some design on her hand and she made a floral design along with ganpati on her palm. Me too tried to make some design, but realized that it’s not my area of expertise. Suddenly I heard a voice, “may I help you, let me do it”. It was Susheela, with those words she took the cone and made some nice design on my palm. I looked at my palms and felt a very strange feeling; it was the first time when my hands were decorated with mehandi. I did not get much time to enjoy that moment when divi came to us and she astounds with joy, “Sonu you have got mehandi on your hands, I cannot believe this.”

I looked at her, a glow of happiness was on her face, “is it really good?” I asked her.
“It’s amazing, your dress, now this mehandi, Sonu I am very happy today”.
Mini gave me a meaningful look, I did not say anything, I wasn’t assured about what exactly I was feeling, but I was enjoying and trying to indulge myself in this process.
Next day was the wedding, the reception evening for which we were preparing. I wore that purple saree with mom’s help and off course those accessories also which I purchased with Mini. But I have to accept that I was not feeling comfortable with the burden of pleats on my shoulder and my efforts to be comfortable in saree spoiled the fitting and arrangements of saree.

Both of us reached at venue separately, but at same time. I was highly surprised to see Yamini in saree. It was the first time when I saw her in saree, she was looking gorgeous. Her magenta chiffon saree with golden zari border was catching everyone’s attention. Obviously she did not like my saree style. But first we went to meet divya; she was sitting in a separate room inside the marriage hall building. She was looking extremely pretty in the orange-peach bridal costume.  Then, Yamini took me to another room for resetting my saree, according to her it was completely messy or that was I who made it messy. (I don’t know exactly) she rearranged the pallu and put lots of safety pins here and there on saree to make it tight fit. I looked myself in a mirror and felt satisfied.

After that whole night, we ran from one place to other, divya kept us completely occupied with many things as well as standing on our feet.
Early morning at 4:00 am, after her “Vidaai” we took a sigh of relief and sat in a corner of hall. We both were badly tired and exhausted. But I was not in a mood to stay quiet, lots of things were running in my mind, “so, finally I did it, I managed the saree very well, did not slip, nor my feet entangled with saree and most important the saree did not cause any “embarrassment”. Did you see how I was doing everything with an ease, walking, climbing stairs and all..?” I was giggling and talking in a childish manner.

Yamini calmly answered, “Sunayana, you are now a mature and grown up girl you can easily handle these things and many other things as well, there is nothing unusual or extraordinary.” 
“But did you see when I was..” before I complete my sentence Yamini gave me a serious yet bored and indifferent look  and my words remained in my mouth. I turned my face down and muttered “I did it.” My eyes were sparkling with a satisfaction as if I have completed a very tough task. But I couldn’t enjoy the moment for a long as Veeren bhaiya came to us. Veeren is Mini’s elder brother and it was his responsibility to bring us home back if we get late at function.
“Can we go home now?”
“Oh yes, we are very much tired and feeling sleepy”, we both spoke together.
“Thank god you people are tired”, and with this comment he moved towards parking lot and we also followed him. After few moments, in the car I was thinking about wedding function, divya and off course saree, once again my eyes blinked and a smile ran on my face as if I have done a “mature mischief”.

Image Courtesy : Google

You can read the alternate the end of this story Here

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Escape to Nowhere

She was running…Speedily...without any pause.. She was just running fast. Why, what was the reason? Don’t know, all she knew that she was running. The way she was running, anyone could reach to a conclusion that she might be in a hurry to reach somewhere, or maybe she was trying to run away from something, but if she wanted to run away then too she was not looking backward. Whatever was it…her speed was quite fast and her breath were also running fast.

That road where she was running was vacant, desolate and quiet. A long and steady road doesn’t know from where it started off and where it will end up.  Her eyes were looking into a distant vacuum (which was extended on that long road), towards a distant and endless path.
The two things that were breaking the silence of that road were, first, the noise of her running and second her heart beat which was beating so fast that it was sounding like an air pump.

Finally, she got tired off, her legs were badly paining, as if someone has squeezed out all their strength. She stopped in the middle of the road, her heart was breathing fast, she knelt down a bit and put hands on the knees, and then again she stood up straight. She looked all around in all possible directions and to that possible extent where her sight could reach. Nothing was there, neither human being nor any other creature nor any green stuff. It was all quiet, empty and sterile.

Then her eyes fell on a big stone, kept on the other side of the road. She walked slowly towards that stone. Her breath was now getting normal. She sat on the stone in a careless position. She locked her hands with each other; her hair were swinging all over her face, neck and shoulders. She then turned down her face; tightly closed her hands that were already tangled with each other and thereafter two drops of tear dropped` from her eyes and flowed down her cheeks....for the  next few moments tears continuously flowed. Then, she suddenly came back in her sense and wiped out the tears and looked around, nobody was there to see her crying. For a moment she felt relaxed.
But on the next moment she couldn't control herself and once again broke up in tears. Her cry was noiseless, eyes were shading tears, but she did not even scream for a single time. A lump of emotions and grief in her chest was trying to come out with a big bellow, but each time she was swallowing it back. She covered her face with hands and closed her lips tightly and folded them inside, but no longer she could keep them in that position; still she succeeded in keeping her tears flowing silent.

She did not know for how long she cried in that manner; all she knows that she cried…. While sitting on that stone.
Finally her tears dried up and she stopped crying. Can’t say whether she gets tired off with crying and she did not have anymore strength to cry or there were no more tears left in her eyes. She stood up and took a sigh and started walking back on the road. She was going back to the way from where she came. However, this time her feet were slow, as if there was no hurry to reach anywhere; she was walking carelessly. This time on the road she came across some people, going on their ways; both sides saw each other and moved on their ways respectively.

She was walking slowly…..and  even more slowly as if she did not want to finish the journey, as if she was not willing to reach the destination. However, she reached there and now she was standing outside the house. She opened the main gate in a very slow manner and then closed it with the same pace, so that nobody can listen or notice her arrival. She then entered into the house and looked here and there. Everything was the same and at its place as she left them. Somebody was reading newspaper, someone was watching TV and she could smell the aroma of food being cooked in the kitchen. Nobody noticed her presence nor saw her. She quietly went into her room and fell down on bed and pretends as if she is sleeping. But before entering the room she felt that perhaps somebody asked her, ”where were you, what were you doing?” but those words disappeared in air as soon as they encountered with her ears.

Once again two drops emerged at the corners of her eyes and flowing through cheeks, fell on pillow.
Her mother came into the room and stood near her bed,” lunch is ready, will you eat now?” she removed her tears quickly and very cleverly also, then she replied in a stable voice, “No, later, I am not hungry.” She said those words without changing her posture on bed side.  Her mother stood there for few moments and then left the room with mumbling some words that she couldn't listen clearly or may be she didn't want to listen.
She came back into her world and again started crying, swallowing own screams and yells, the pillow was getting wet and so her face.

Image Courtesy: Google

P.S. This is an old post, originally written Here
Please bear with the poor English grammar as I haven't checked it with any grammar tool.

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Friday, 8 August 2014

Beautiful Borosil, Beautiful Food

Food is our common ground, a universal experience.
How true.. isn't it.. and what could be more universal than the street food !!!!!!!! .. Oh yes..those vendors standing at the corners of a busy market  or at the footpath of a heavy traffic road.. They are well capable to catch our attention. Let the very first bite of "Chaat"  reach into our small mouth and we will start swimming into the ocean of tangy and spicy juices, catching the pearls of sweat and crunchy textures. So let's prepare some street food at home. Moreover, the street food gives you a freedom about recipe, ingredients, etc. in the words of Julia Child "You Learn to Cook so that you don't have to be a Slave to Recipes. You get what's in Season and you know what to do with it." 

For the feast of your eyes, the Gorgeous Royal Dahivada, covered under the layers of creamy yogurt, Mint and Tamrind chatni.  The small floret of fresh green coriander is adding the crown jewel to this dish.  I arranged this colorful dish in the Bake and Serve Deep Rectangle Dish of Borosil, so it can flaunt with all the brightness and boldness that it has got. 

Bold and Beautiful Dahivada

No chaat is complete without our King of Kitchen, The Potato.. So I prepared this Aloo Tikki Chaat and added all those trinkets which I found either in fridge or in snack boxes.. anardana, mathri, rings of beetroot, bhujiya and that white flakes .. did you recognize them??. they are freshly grated coconut strands. The Chaat is served in a Round Casserole, so all the colros and ingredients can get some space to showcase their individual beauty. To accompany the Chaat and to make your teeth exercise, I have fried some colorful and crispy-crunchy saboodana snacks and put them into the Baby Gourmet Bowls

Chatpati Chaat

Fried Fantasy

Ok, enough of  Chaat, let's have some healthy food with these Crispy Brwony Egg Bread Rolls, served in the lid of Round Casserol.. 

A Fruity Delight With Egg Rolls
Oh, I forgot to tell you that I have a big sweet tooth and to satisfy that hungry tooth, I prepared Coconut Laddoos and served them in a Square Dish, this dish has an elegant plastic lid too but I haven't used it in this picture. What.. are you surprised to see laddoos instead of any icecream, cookies, pastries etc.  as they would have been the better companion for this street food treat .. well, you forgetting that my sweet tooth is Shuddh Hindustani and I want some Mithai to feed myself .. so here we go with the soft laddos and those watermelon shape mawa barfis.

Coconut Laddoo Dhamaal

Add caption

So with Borosil the Food is not just beautiful but a fun as well as.

This post has been written for the My Beautiful Food Round 2 Contest sponsored by Beautiful Borosil.

All photographs has been taken by me and I hold their copyright.

The Borosil Experience

What is the difference between the fragrance of  rain and the aroma of the food being cooked in the kitchen ? Have you ever touched the morning dew on a rose petal, doesn't it's beauty reminds you something? Have you ever tasted those small pearly rain drops that  are resting on the velvety skin of flowers, doesn't they remind the divine world of flavours ? You might be thinking, what am I talking about .. well this quote will answer this puzzle "There is no Sincere Love than the Love of Food" . 

The fragrance of rain awakens our soul and the aroma of food start tickling our taste buds much before it reaches to our mouth. The touch of morning dew is so tender and cool that for a moment it forces us to forget all the harshness of life. The same goes with the food, a delicious meal served in a nice manner is capable enough to not just satiate our hunger pangs but can calm our tensed mind and soothes the tired brain as well as. Those round transparent pearls of rain, tastes heavenly and teach us that this world is full of various flavours and the simplest preparations make the tastiest meal. So, let's not waste time anymore and start our journey of Beautiful Food with Beautiful Borosil.

 I scratched my head for hours to decide about the dishes that I have to showcase in 2nd round and after a lot of  scratching, thinking and plucking a few hair strand, I made  my decision. Simple Dishes Nothing Fancy Yet Mouth Watering.

I started with morning breakfast; being a typical Sindhi the only thing came into my mind for the breakfast was the traditional Sindhi cuisine, Daal Pakwan. I remember, in my childhood, how daal pakwan was the only loved breakfast for a lazy Sunday. However, to give a little twist to this traditional Sindhi dish, I teamed it
 up with Coconut chatni and MInt chatni. I also prepared the Spinach Paranthas and Masala Paneer in garlic-onion gravy. Paneer is served in Baby Gourmet Bowl.  I chose the Lid of a Round Casserol from the Essential Combination Set to serve the Pakwans and Paranthas and for the chatnis I used the lids of Baby Gourmet Bowl Set
The Crispy Brown pakwans With Simple Yet Elegant Daal

Lush Green Spinach Parantha 

Spicy Masala Paneer

The SnowWhite Coconut Chatni

The Nariyal Chatni and Mint Chatni

So Now we had our breakfast and that too a heavy one. So whats next .. how about  kuchh meetha ho jaaye ??  So here is the another twist .. A splash of bright colors... A Glamours Dessert .. The Vanilla Custard Pudding... made with a regular plain vanilla cake, vanilla flavoured custard powder and layers of strawberry jelly and fruits.. I used the liquid form of jelly to create patterns with the yellow color of custard, decorated it with a slice of red cherry, slices of apple, mango and crumbs of Oreo Biscuits.. I chose the Round Casserole from the  Essential Combination Set for this frozen dish and Oh My !!!! the pictures are saying a lot .. the sumptuous designs by strawberry jelly... and the luscious invitation from the top layer of custard pudding.. so what you waiting for .. ..  a formal invitation ???

The Jelly Belly
Silky Vanilla Custard Pudding

Vanilla Fruit Custard Cake Pudding

So now you would have understood what I was talking about in the first para of this post.. As I read somewhere, "You Don't need a Silver Fork to eat the Good Food" ... It's our imagination and a little extra efforts that can turn the simple dishes into the most beautiful and yummiest food, especially when you have the sparkling Borosil glasswares in your kitchen. Those are the simple dishes I have made, but theri simplicity has been transformed into elegance and style when they are served in Borosil Glasswares.

This post is written for the "My Beautiful Food-Round 2 Contest sponsored by Beautiful Borosil.

All photographs are taken by me and I hold the copyright for them.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

चौराहे पर सीढ़ियां : Book Review

कभी कभी फ़ास्ट फ़ूड से मन भर जाता है, मुग़लई या या ऐसा ही कुछ "देसी" दाल बाटी सरीखा खाने का मन करता है फोर्थ गियर में गाडी दौड़ाते दौड़ाते लगता है कि ज़रा स्पीड कम कर ली जाए, सेकंड गियर में चलाया जाए। कूदते फांदते, भागते वक़्त के पैरों को ज़रा थाम लिया जाए, रोक लिया जाए. घडी की  सुइयों को ही धीमा कर दिया जाए. तसल्ली से बैठ कर एक कप गरम  चाय के साथ भुजिया खाते हुए सुस्ताया जाए.  कुछ ऐसे ही मिज़ाज़ की कहानियों का नाम है "चौराहे पर सीढ़ियां". किशोर चौधरी का लिखा एक बेहतरीन कहानी संग्रह जो हिंदी के बेस्ट सेलर में गिना जा रहा है. इस किताब को पढ़ते वक़्त ऐसा लगा जैसे वक़्त खुद कहानियाँ सुनने के लिए ठहर गया है या धीमे धीमे बीत रहा है.

इस संग्रह की  खासियत है इसका मिज़ाज़, इसकी भाषा, शिल्प और कहानी सुनाने का अंदाज़ ( जी हाँ लेखक आपको एक कहानी सुना रहा है, बैठिये उसके पास और सुनिये कि वो क्या कहता है).   आप कहेंगे कि मैं तो लेखक की  और उसकी किताब की  बड़ी तारीफें किये जा रही हूँ पर ऐसा नहीं है, मैं तो केवल भूमिका बाँधने की  कोशिश कर रही हूँ. दरअसल इस किताब को आप ऐसे ही भागते दौड़ते, बीच में से समय निकाल कर, यूँही महज़ समय काटने के लिए नहीं पढ़ सकेंगे। इन कहानियों के लिए आपको समय निकालना होगा, पढ़ने के साथ इन्हे समझना भी होगा कि ढेर सारी  उपमाओं, प्रतीकों और उदाहरणों के बीच कहानी कब किस मोड़ से गुज़र रही है.

संग्रह का नाम जिस कहानी के नाम पर रखा गया है "चौराहे पर सीढ़ियां", वो इस संग्रह की सबसे अच्छी कहानी है या नहीं ये निर्णय पाठक खुद करें। मुझे इसमें  जो दिखाई दिया वो है लेखक की अद्भुत कल्पनाशीलता और लोक जीवन में गहरे पैठी  हुई  मानसिकता को पहचानने की  नज़र. सीढ़ियां एक प्रतीक है, एक बहाना है जिनके ज़रिये कहानी कही जा रही है और आप पूरी तरह आज़ाद हैं इन सीढ़ियों को "घर की बेटी", "बुजुर्ग"  "रिश्ते नाते सम्बन्धो"  या और किसी भी मूर्त अमूर्त चीज़ से जोड़ने के लिए, बस इतना याद रखिये कि सीढ़ियां घर का एक बेहद ज़रूरी हिस्सा  हैं जो अब घर की चौखट लांघ कर चौराहे पर खड़ी  है और चौराहे पर आने के बाद किसी भी घटना, पात्र और प्रतीक का कैनवास बहुत बड़ा हो जाता है. खुद चौराहा भी इसमें एक पात्र है. जब पहली बार मैंने कहानी पढ़ी तो मुझे लगा कि सीढ़ियों का अर्थ बेटियों से या लड़कियों से है, दूसरी बार लगा नहीं शायद  घर के बड़ों से है और तीसरी बार लगा कि कुछ और है.  अर्थ यही कि आपकी कल्पना के लिए यहाँ बहुत से हिंट और क्लू हैं.  

इस संग्रह की दूसरी कहानियों में  "परमिंदर के इंतज़ार में ठहरा हुआ समय", "खुशबू बारिश की नहीं मिटटी की  है",  "बताशे का सूखा हुआ पानी",  "एक फासले के दरम्यान खिले हुए चमेली के फूल",  और "लोहे के घोड़े" मुझे ज्यादा याद आ रही हैं.  "परमिंदर" की कहानी में हास्य और व्यंग्य दोनों को  धीर गम्भीर भाषा के ज़रिये पेश किया गया है जो इस स्कूल लव स्टोरी को और भी रोचक बना देता है.  चमेली के फूल, लोहे के घोड़े और चाँद का सूखा बताशा, इन कहानियों  में इनके पात्रों के आपसी सम्बन्ध, जीवन के उतार चढ़ाव और अनुभव ही एक पूरी  कहानी बुनते जा रहे हैं. और तब पाठक सोचता है कि ये तो रोज़मर्रा की  ज़िन्दगी का हाल है, क्या  इसे भी कहानी के रूप में लिखा जा सकता है ?  जवाब लेखक ने हाँ में दिया है.

 इन कहानियों  में राजस्थान  दिखाई देता है, छोटे शहर, कसबे, गाँव की कहानियाँ और वहीँ के पात्र भी. यहाँ आपको गाड़िया लोहार, रेगिस्तान के किसी दूर दराज गाँव का स्कूल मास्टर, भोपे, लोक भाषा के शब्दों की सहज उपस्थिति, लोक कथाओं और आस्थाओं का सन्दर्भ,  हेरिटेज होटल की पृष्ठभूमि और  जेठ की चिलचिलाती धूप  का पसरा हुआ आँचल और मेह के इंतज़ार में बाट  जोहते  हुए दिन मिलेंगे। पर फिर भी हम इन कहानियों को किसी एक खांचे जैसे केवल ग्रामीण परिवेश की कहानियां या स्त्री केंद्रित विषय तक सीमित नहीं कर सकते। यहाँ होस्टल में अकेलेपन से जूझने वाली अंजलि भी है वहीँ  सुगणी भी है जिसकी  दुनिया थार के एक कोने में अपने पति गोमिन्दा के आस पास  सिमटी हुई है. फिर यहाँ "गीली चौक" की सीलन का सबब ढूंढते और "रात की अँधेरी बाँहों"  में दो टीनएजर्स की प्रेमकथा के सूत्र सुलझाने में लगे हुए सूत्रधार जैसे दो पुरुष पात्र भी हैं. एक तरफ सिमली का सशक्त पात्र है जो रेत  के सागर में अपने हिरण कुलांची  वाले  मन का ठिकाना तलाश रही है और मन है कि कहीं टिकता ही नहीं; वहीँ  एक सिंगल मदर  नैना है जिसे एक घर की तलाश है, सर पर एक छत और ज़िन्दगी के भरे पूरे होने का अहसास दे सके ऐसे कुछेक रिश्तों की तलाश है.  

ना तो कहानियों की विषयवस्तु असाधारण है और ना इनके पात्र, असाधारण अगर कुछ है इसमें तो कहानी सुनाने का तरीका, सूत्रधार की तरह जो आपको बताता चलता है कि कब क्या हो रहा है.  इन कहानियों में आपको बड़े दिलचस्प विवरण मिलेंगे, ऐसी तुलनाएं और उपमाएं पढ़ने को मिलेंगी जो शायद आपने पहले कभी नहीं सोचा होगा कि चीज़ों को इस नज़रिये से भी देखा जा सकता है.

यहाँ आपको समय का एक चेजारा मिलेगा जो हर रोज़ नया दिन उगाता है, जहां घर चुप्पियों के शोर से गूंजते हैं, जहां चौराहे का माथा खुजाने के लिए कनखजूरे सीढ़ियों के रास्ते आते हैं;  जहां कांसे के रंग वाली सांझ आती है और रात पखावज की तरह बजती है और उसके साथ संगत  के लिए ह्यूमन नोड्स वाली सारंगी भी है. एक निराश्रित बेवा के फटे ओढ़ने जैसी सड़कें है और  मगरमच्छ की तरह गुलाची खाने वाले रास्ते भी है. निश्चित रूप से एक संवेदनशील पाठक को बाँध लेने के लिए एक नए किस्म की लच्छेदार भाषा है ये.  

 अंग्रेजी में जिसे हम कहते हैं थॉट प्रोसेस, तो कहानियाँ पढ़ते वक़्त उस प्रक्रिया की गहराई, परिपक्वता और उसके विविध आयामों का एक खूबसूरत उदाहरण है ये किताब। किशोर चौधरी की इन कहानियों की एक खासियत ये है कि इनमे कोई एक फिक्स थीम नहीं है कि  "एक बार की बात है, ऐसा हुआ और फिर वैसे और फिर इस तरह किस्सा ख़त्म हुआ". देखा जाए तो ये कहानियाँ  किसी एक घटना या किसी ख्याल को केंद्र में रखकर  अपने पात्रों  के ज़रिये जीवन यात्रा को उकेरती, पात्रों के अंदर और बाहर की दुनिया का हाल चाल बताती  चलती  हैं, और अक्सर ऐसे ही कहीं एक मोड़ पर आकर रुक जाती हैं और तब लेखक याद दिलाता है कि कहानी ख़त्म हो गई;  अब यहाँ से आगे इसे  आपकी कल्पना ले जायेगी।

खैर, अब तारीफ़ बहुत हो गई, अब कुछ  तीखी बातें भी होनी चाहिए। इन कहानियों में  जो  अच्छा नहीं लगता वो है, इन सबका एक जैसा रंग रूप यानि लगभग सभी कहानियों में धीमा और उदास समय है जो मौसम के बदलते रंग  पर अक्सर भारी पड़  जाता है.  इस किताब को पढ़ते समय मुझे निर्मल वर्मा का एक  कहानी संग्रह  याद  आ गया (नाम भूल रही हूँ)  जिसमे बर्फ और  बारिश एक ऐसा मौसम है जो लगभग हर कहानी में था; कुछ वैसा ही धूल उड़ाते दिन और रात, इंसान के भीतर और बाहर की आग और गर्मियों की धूप  में तपे  हुए लम्बे दिन, इन कहानियों में बार बार दिखते  हैं.  ऐसा लगता है कि  कई जगह विवरण बहुत ज्यादा भारी और बोझिल हो गए हैं जिनसे कहानी का प्रवाह भी टूट ही जाता है, उस समय एक औसत पाठक ये सोचने पर मज़बूर हो सकता है कि वो कहानी पढ़ रहा है या कोई निबंध जिसका सम्बन्ध मनोविज्ञान या किसी और विज्ञानं से है.  कुछेक कहानियाँ ऐसी भी लगी जिनके लिए समझ पाना मुश्किल है कि, आखिर इन पात्रों और उनके इर्द गिर्द बुने संसार के ज़रिये लेखक क्या कहने की कोशिश कर रहा है. "एक अर्से से", "गीली चॉक " और  "सड़क जो हाशिये से कम चौड़ी थी" को इसी श्रेणी में रखा जा सकता है.  इसके अलावा संवादों की कमी होना ज़रा अखरता ही है,  क्योंकि कहानी के पात्र जितना ज्यादा आपस में  बात करेंगे, वो किस्सा कहानी उतना ही ज्यादा जीवंत होकर पाठक के सामने आएगा और पाठक खुद उसका हिस्सा बनता जाएगा।

पर जैसा कि मैंने शुरू में ही कहा था कि इस किताब को पढ़ने के लिए आपको समय निकालना होगा तभी आप इस धीमे लेकिन लयबद्ध शब्दों के प्रवाह के साथ कदमताल कर पाएंगे। इस बात को लेखक ने एक कहानी में कुछ इस तरह समझाया है कि,  "ज़िन्दगी जिसे कहते हैं वह कैसी यात्रा है?  कैसी तलाश है? जो माया की तरह आसपास  महसूस तो होती है मगर दिखाई नहीं पड़ती, सामने नहीं आती, खुलकर बयान नहीं होती।"  जैसा उन्होंने एक और  जगह भी  कहा है कि 

"ये एक आदमी के दिमाग में दर्ज हो रही घटनाओ का बेतरतीब ब्यौरा है."

इस रिव्यु को आनक पत्रिका के  तीसरे अंक  के  लिए लिखा गया था 

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