That time thousands of questions storm my mind... a chill used to ran
into my spine and at the same time I feel a restlessness in my blood, in
my heart...
Why The Earth, which was meant to be a heaven for mankind
is getting transformed into a place of insecurity and distress...a Hell of its own kind..
प्रैप्पी और मैं दिनभर, सुबह शाम .. बहुत सी बातें कहते और सुनते रहते हैं. सूरज के जागने से लेकर, चाँद के सो जाने तक.. सुनते हैं .. सुनाते हैं .. अपनी खैर-खबर, दुनिया के हाल और चाल और वो सब भी जो कहीं नहीं कहा जा सकता, किसी को नहीं कहा जा सकता.. जो कह दें तो अपना अर्थ ही खो दे..
प्रैप्पी और मैं दिनभर सुनते हैं सुनाते हैं, पूछते हैं, जवाब भी देते हैं.. पर कहने को तो एक शब्द भी नहीं कहा जाता.. जुबां कुछ नहीं बोलती, खामोशी की एक नदी अपने धीर गंभीर ऐश्वर्य के साथ, अपनी आवाज़ को अपने पसरे हुए आँचल में संभाले बहती जाती है..पर फिर भी कान सुनते हैं, दिमाग समझ लेता है, दिल जान जाता है..
मैं सवाल करती हूँ कि कहां खो गई है..हमारे दिल से इंसानियत, मासूमियत, प्यार..
मैं फिर सवाल करती हूँ कि .. क्यों सब तरफ लोग इतने बेरहम और बेदिल हो गए हैं..
क्यों लोगों की आँख का पानी सूख गया है? क्यों इंसान के खून का रंग ही बदल गया है ? क्यों दिल की जगह एक ठन्डे बेजान काले से पत्थर ने ले ली है...
What crime has been done and by Whom, for What the Punishment has been Served, Why
the Right to Live, the Right to Live with Dignity has been snatched and
that CRIME, that PUNISHMENT... वो अपराध और उसकी कभी ना ख़त्म होने वाली सजायें हर रोज़ तड़पती, बिलखती, तार तार होती सूखे ठूंठ जैसी आत्माएं पैदा कर रही है.. उन आत्माओं और उनके शरीरों पर लगे लाल, काले धब्बे गवाह हैं कि शायद अगले कई जन्मों तक उन्हें इस सज़ा और इसकी यातना से मुक्ति नहीं मिलेगी.. कुछ जिंदा आत्माएं जो मुर्दा शरीरों में रहती हैं और कुछ मुर्दा आत्माएं जो जिंदा शरीरों में रहती हैं.....
Why there is so much Anger and Cruelty..
Why there is so much Fear in people's hearts, Why there is so much Insecurity, Dubiety and Distrust..
some people on this earth (which was meant to be our beautiful home) ..
are being deprived of their right to live.. to live a peaceful, safe and
joyful life..
Why the Endless Greed, Avarice and Selfishness is Ruling the Brains
and Hearts..
Why we are becoming so much harsh and self-interested that we don't want to share a small morsel of our bread with others.. a
small part of our comfort and pleasure.. just a small chunk..
Why this beautiful earth, which was created as a cozy shelter of
human race, which was once their sweet home... now turning into a
island of hollow ground surrounded by fire flames, ashes and a sea of
lava .. Lava that does not comes from a rocky volcano, but from the
souls of people who are some how trying to breath in this world, trying
to crawl to reach somewhere, a place where they can stand with a head
high on shoulders and where the air would be full of hopes and
Why the time wheel of civilization has started moving
into backward direction...
Why the man who is the most brilliant creation of almighty is proving itself nothing but a barbarian, an
animal whose hunger and thirst knows no satisfaction and fulfillment..
Another big question that arises in my mind, is there anything called Almighty or God or a Supreme Power does exist in this entire universe? Or it is all some sort of beautiful Imaginations of our mind. I am calling it imagination because if someone with such powers and kindness in his/her heart(yes god can be either male or female.. we don't know anything exactly about it) then how he/she is tolerating such a highest level of injustice and cruelty. Why don't he/she tries to stop it, why don't he/she sends some sort of saviour or angel to help the humanity (our myths speak a lot about those angels). why don't he/she himself/herself takes an AVTAR (according to our Hindu mythology).. if all that said in our myths and in our religious books is correct then isn't this a right time for him/her to step down on earth and to interrupt ... to Serve Justice, to Give Peace to the suffering souls.
But nothing as such happens.. people pray for relief, for help, for justice, for RESCUE... But Nobody listens.. nobody responds.. No hands come forward to take the responsibility...Why the great Almighty whose heart is full of mercy and affection don't forward his/her hand to wipe out the tears of their own children....???
But then, at very next moment, another thought strikes my mind.. why we should blame the GOD.. he/she has not created all this mess, he/she is not responsible for this, he/she did not tell us to kill each other or to snatch other's food. The Creator sent us on earth to make it a paradise of human being.. But what we have done.. Why One Need to Ask THESE QUESTIONS..
क्यों कुछ आँखें नम हैं, क्यों कुछ आँखों से बहता पानी का एक नमकीन दरिया उनकी जिंदगियों की मिठास और जीवन्तता ही छीने जा रहा है... क्यों कुछ आँखों से अब लाल रंग का पानी बहता है... क्यों ऐसा है कि कुछ आँखों का पानी सूख चुका है ... क्यों ऐसा है कि कुछ आँखें अब रोना ही भूल गई है, पत्थर हो गई है.. क्यों??